Year of the nurse and the midwife

Nursing, a calling beyond clinical practice.
A combination of science and compassion

Should Florence Nightingale take a stroll in the modern hospitals today, she would be in awe at the developments and innovations that have taken place from the day she began the nursing practice. It has been 200 years since the birth of Florence Nightingale who founded modern nursing and hospital sanitation. 

Florence Nightingale is revered as the founder of modern nursing. As a health pioneer, she encouraged the uptake of hand washing given it was and still is an effective means of infection control. At the frontline of your care, nurses are the familiar face you see at the hospital with countless responsibilities who make sure you are heard when you need it most.

You might be tempted to think that nursing and midwifery is a narrow set of skills learned in the ward but in reality, nurses are very educated and have university diploma/degrees and in some instances, doctorate-level nursing qualifications. Just like doctors, nurses specialise in a variety of clinical disciplines, such as accident and emergencies, neonatal intensive care nursing, oncology nursing and pediatric nursing among others. 

The gentle care of a nurse can make all the difference during your visit at a healthcare facility. On your next medical appointment, find out what your assigned nurse is specialized in.


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